Online couples counseling: the #1 help for arguing couples
Whether you're in a long-distance relationship, or you've just moved to another state, getting couple counseling online can help your marriage. Here's how it works!
On this path you will learn proven and practical techniques on how to deal with destructive or repetitive arguing.
Every couple argues from time to time but if these disagreements are frequent, unproductive or destructive a relationship can quickly begin to deteriorate.
The reasons for persistent arguing are usually complicated. Your unique history plays a role as well as your common history, for example if your partner keeps bringing up past arguments. Personality is also part of it, some people are naturally more argumentative than others.
On this path you will learn proven and practical techniques, designed by our experienced couples therapist, on how to deal with destructive or repetitive arguing.
Remainly can help you to break away from the never-ending cycle of arguments and help you to build a relationship that lets you choose the mood of your conversations.
Video - Destructive arguing
Two people who respect each other often listen and talk in roughly equal measures – they are both actively interested in being influenced by the other. However, in many relationships, people fall victim to patterns of communication that result in poor listening skills.
If you feel hurt or annoyed, you may switch to a more competitive mode, or you may turn away with closed mind and ears. To help guide you through the process of removing repetitive arguing from your relationship, Remainly has created this path of video tutorials and exercises.
"Everybody can learn how to deal with destructive or repetitive arguing"
The videos guide you through a set of techniques to resolve your issues, starting with your ability to listen and communicate. By learning i.e. how to listen attentively or recognize the onset of automatic, negative responses, eventually, both you and your partner will find it much easier to resolve conflict.
Remainly is dedicated to improving the lives of couples who are losing their way. There are five general pathways, each one can offer a unique solution to couples struggling with communication, infidelity, or who would like to improve their relationship.
On this path, you get the chance to explore some of the most common causes of arguing, our couples therapist Andreas Narum, will provide you with advice through a collection of online videos and exercises.
Activities and exercises will help you avoid the automatic responses most couples resort to and show you how you and your partner can reconnect and discover a new bond. There are no time restraints and you can practice in your own home.